ISIOM is a collective of multidisciplinary artists based in Morges (CH). Open and willing to engage in constant exchange, the collective encourages the initiation to creative practices for the public as well as the promotion of the productions of the artists who are members. We work in the fields of space, sound, image, representation, digital art and performance. Workshops, collaborations and group exhibitions are at the heart of the project.

ISIOM is the art of thriving by tackling your own constraints. A desire to infect others with an ever-developing creative impulse, to destroy one's own barriers in order to achieve expressive exhilaration.


Meetings organised around cultural themes. Allowing artists and participants to share their ideas and experiences.

Workshops to start or continue practising a creative activity on a daily basis.

Exhibitions organised to showcase the work of artists who are members of the association.

Who we are

Emma De Filippo

is a Swiss-based artist and performer. At the heart of her work are notions of care and digitality: her work ranges from video to digital devices and performance. She completed her master's degree at the Dutch Art Institute (NL) in 2021, during which she developed her research into care and its ethics. Using language, interactions and everyday objects, Emma creates alternative narratives that reframe certain priorities, thus questioning the dominant values established by Western society.

 Julie Dekimpe

is a Swiss multidisciplinary visual artist. She graduated from Leeds Arts University and is inspired by everyday life, relationships with oneself and others, and mental health. Her practice varies according to the subject, including sculpture, videography, painting, installation and many others.

 Justine Tissot

is mainly a painter working with acrylic, textile and fluorescent paints. She paints fantasy worlds as well as realistic subjects. Her inspiration comes from space (planets, cyberpunk, retro-futuristic, etc.), music, nature, manga and the environment around her. Harmonising the colours is an element that she places great importance on, as well as adding little details throughout, which are discovered as you look at the canvas.